The Magic of Travel

Here I am in Rome, staring out of my couchsurfing host’s window and thinking about the past 2 (almost 3!!) weeks. So much has happened. I’ve just stared to process all of it.

And then it hits me: I am actually living my dream. I am living my dream!!! How many people get to do that? I have been dreaming about traveling the world ever since… I don’t even remember. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I am living. my. dream.!

It all happened so fast; the decision to put college on hold and to go travel instead, the preparation, the planning, the goodbyes. And now I’m here, enchanted by the magic of travel.

I will write about my adventures, the unforgettable memories, places I have explored, cultures I have seen and of course about the Magic of Travel. I hope my stories will make you jump of your couch, chair or whatever you are sitting on right now, and wanting to go on your own adventure!

Until then, why not take the first step towards your dream today?

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